Phantom Trail Riders Meeting Minutes 12/02/08
Treasure's Report was reviewed and approved
Discussion regarding new blades for Orange drag to lower them for better cutting
- Skip has this done
T.A. will look into brown signs for entering and leaving PTR maintained trails
- Signs are here
Skip will fix headlamp on tractor
45N from Reeds Lake Rd to Haps needs limbing
- This will not happen this year and should be done next year
45S from Ikes to Hammergrens needs brushing
- This will not happen this year and should be done next year
150 behind DNR station needs brushing
- This will not happen this year and should be done next year
John will talk with Mark Harmon regarding his new blacktop and the trail route
- Trail has been moved to west side of Gin Rickey's sign.
Donny will retrieve three point hitch and link bar for tractor
Fence will be put up on East side of Car Wash on Saturday Dec. 6th to keep drag from sliding into building
Donny will check with Rick Melin about new chains for tractor and more blank blazers
Corn may be still in field between Strom's and Mike Carey's on trail 150
T.A. will check into an after hours fuel card for BP
John will be sending in memberships and commercial memberships to AWSC
Rick Melin and Maury Johnson have been looking into a trail from Trade Lake to trail 119
Next Meeting:
Thursday, December 18th, 2008
7:00 PM
Gin Rickey's