Phantom Trail Riders Meeting Minutes 8/6/24 - PTR Building


 - Land owner agreement acquisitions have been assigned to members
      Tom has 2 agreements, need continued efforts by Don and John
      Kyle Anderson would like help with 45S.  Ike, Don, and John have agreements to work on.
           Ike mailed out 3 requests on Jan 6th.  Have received one signed agreement so far.
     John to contact Dave Corty and Rod Kleiss regarding their properties.
 - Existing Drag: Need to see if we can get new rear pan from Siren. 
          Need to move into building and evaluate. Currently at Byers Farm
 - All tires and rims have been moved to north side of building.  4 large tires have been sold.  Small tires need to be listed.
 - All trail signs have been taken down.
 - Signs are ordered, 50 arrows and 100 blazers


 - 3 PT hitch needs to be repaired.  Dan Woods has and will repair this month.  John will check on this.
 - Snowmobile Friendly signs have been received and need to look into places for installing.
 - Need to write hrs on the tractor filters with silver or white pen.
 - Draw needs some welding and general maintenance before season starts.

Next Meeting:

Tuesday, September 2nd
7:00 PM
PTR Building - Fairgrounds
