Phantom Trail Riders Meeting Minutes 1/7/25 - Legion Fox Hole


 - Land owner agreement acquisitions have been assigned to members
       Tom has 2 agreements, need continued efforts by Don and John
       Kyle Anderson would like help with 45S.  Ike, Don, and John have agreements to work on.
        Ike mailed out 3 requests on Jan 6th.  Have received one signed agreement so far.
       John to contact Dave Corty and Rod Kleiss regarding their properties.
       New lists of agreements needed for all trails have been received from Suzy Tollander.
 - Existing Drag: Need to see if we can get new rear pan from Siren. 
          Need to move into building and evaluate. Currently at Byers Farm
 - Winch hook and end of line needs to be repaired on groomer tractor


 - John will email Polaris Ride Command about sponsors and continue to work with BRP Go for trail updates.
 - Drag needs some welding and general maintenance before season starts.  John will talk to Trailer City about doing it next week.
 - Continue work updating signs on trail 45S.
 - Fuel level is confirmed at slightly below 1/2.

Next Meeting:

Tuesday, February 4th
7:00 PM
T-Dawg's Bar and Grill
