Phantom Trail Riders Meeting Minutes 02/03/09

Treasure's Report was reviewed and approved
Donny will check with Rick Melin about new chains for tractor and more blank blazers
  - New chains are on the tractor
T.A. will check into an after hours fuel card for BP
  - We have a $250 after hours gas card in the tractor with instructions for use.  $250 is the max allowed.
Front assist light may not work in tractor
  - Light is still out
  - Stop sign & post at 150 & 48/87 is temporarily fixed by wiring it to the brown sign.
Outside light on building is still out, it needs a new photoelectric cell which is inside building.
Proposal from Chamber of Commerce for PTR to run the lawnmower race on Memory Lake in February is approved.
John has brush pile located on trail 150 that we can burn and have a get together. 
  - Suggested to move pile to Memory Lake for Mid-Winter Sports Day
Proposal to move informative sign on north end of town to Memory Lake Park
  - This will be done for next season, not feasible during this season
Woodland's sign has been added at 150 - 119 intersection
John will check into clearing access route to Hummer's
  - Has talked with business and believe this is clear for the winter


Bill Erickson proposed to have a line shown on the snowmobile map at the end of Cty Rd O to the MN side.
  - Need to request permission from county to groom to end of Cty Rd O
  - If permission is received, need to submit changes to Jon Schoepke for next year's map
Grooming 119 S needs to stay out of field along Melo Rd. 
  - The mistakenly got brushed and groomed this year and we have no permission to be on the property
All Map Ad invoices have been sent out.
There will be an informal meeting at Memory Lake on Saturday 02/07/09 @ 12:30 PM to discuss track layout and where other events will be staged. 

 Next Meeting:
                        Thursday, March 5th, 2009
                        7:00 PM
                        Woodlands Grille
