Phantom Trail Riders Meeting Minutes 04/06/11

Treasure's Report was reviewed and approved
Tom H. is working on a trail to get from 119 to Trade Lake and meet up with the West Sweden Snows.
 - Problem in one spot so this trail section is not possible at this time
 - John will make a satellite image for Tom to mark-up
John proposed a new idea for a trailer that was constructed just for holding trail signs.
 - Currently looking for a good used trailer to start with
 - Tim Wood is following a lead he has.
Donny will talk to Danny C about tire swap with Siren
 - Danny confirmed this to OK.  We are looking into the best way and time to change them out.
Groomer's Banquet @ Ike Walton Lodge on 04/2/2011
- Banquet went well:  Dan Byers was named Groomer of the Year

Sign removal to begin as soon as it dries up
Look into possible re-route of 45N around North Russell Street
Store drags at Byer’s behind the west shed
Club decided to participate in Watercross at same level as last year
 - Ike will work on schedule for retrievers

Next Meeting:
Wednesday, May 4th 2011
PTR Club House
7:00 PM
