Phantom Trail Riders Meeting Minutes 3/3/20


- Land owner agreement acquisitions have been assigned to members
      Tom has 2 agreements, need continued efforts by Don, John and Mark
      Kyle Anderson would like help with 45S.  Ike, Don, and John have agreements to work on.
           Ike mailed out 3 requests on Jan 6th.  Have received one signed agreement so far.
- Existing Drag: Need to see if we can get new rear pan from Siren.  This has been determined to be low priority.
- Makita flashlight from kit is still missing from Clubhouse.
- The Legion still owes for Map Ads
- Setting up Grooming Schedule - need to know who wants to groom and when then can.
     Potential Groomers:  Chad, Dan, Danny, John, Aaron, Ken, Alan, Jim
- Tow behind snowmobile sleigh has been updated with plastic ski skins for less resistance.

- There are a few lights on the tractor that need changing along with the block heater.
- May need to look into lowering some of the blades on the drag for extra cutting ability.
- Danny has new used winch for review
- Groomer Banquet, John to email everyone details.
- A new fuel filter was installed on the tank at Byers farm.

Next Meeting:

Tuesday, April 7th
7:00 PM
